We totally understand that everyone leads very busy lifestyles these days, and eating right is not always the top priority in your life, so we’ve tried to make our recipes as simple as possible.
Not only is it food that matters, but also the way we balance our lifestyles. Being over worked and stressed and eating on the go is not good for your digestive system. The root cause of illness and disease is not dealing with stress and having an unbalanced lifestyle. The first question you need to be asking is am I happy? And what changes need to be made so that your answer is yes.
A lot of people say to me, you’re so lucky you have such a great metabolism, you never get sick, you never get period pain. This isn’t a strike of luck, it is because I eat well, look after my body and know when I need a rest.
Of course I am very grateful that this all comes second nature to me because of the way I was raised, but I also take the time eat right for me.
Being a personal trainer has also helped me see that a lot of people aren’t aware of what foods are good and bad for them, and that holding onto stresses on the inside can also cause you to hold onto that weight you want to lose.
Being obsessed with eating well puts stress on your mind. Eating with balance allows you to eat everything, in moderation of course. Enjoying food is important, rather than seeing it as a chore to cook and eat, you need to see it as an opportunity to nourish your body.
Activity is important to get your metabolism going, its invigorating and always makes you feel better. Tell me a time you’ve ever regretted getting up to go for a walk, or to a yoga class or to the gym? I’ve only ever regretted not going.